
Ah, the grand adventure of my life! I must confess, I’m a tad apprehensive—after all, I’ve never delved into the world of fashion. My training is in mechanical engineering, not haute couture. Picture this: an engineer in sweatpants wandering the streets, occasionally pondering, “Did we really embark on this journey?” Yet, despite my unorthodox sartorial choices, I have a keen sense for materials and textures that tickle my fancy. And here I am, a flamboyant mechanical engineer, setting forth on a daring quest to bring grantsBags into existence, with a burst of color and a dash of sophistication.

The saga began when I unearthed my trusty sewing machine from the dusty corners of my abode and fashioned the very first grantsBag. With my creation in tow, I embarked on an exhilarating escapade through the bustling streets of New York City, testing and tweaking my bag, discovering which features enchanted me and which left me vexed. In my globetrotting search for the perfect fabric, I stumbled upon a mesmerizing shade of blue—simple yet tactile, with a pop of vibrancy that mirrored my own exuberant spirit. I yearned for something that was both expressive and elegant, a reflection of my own eclectic personality.

But oh, the revelation didn’t end there! It became imperative to share this creative expression with the world, to design and create with audacity and finesse. It felt as though I was coming out once more, this time with grantsBags—announcing our arrival with resounding flair and pride. Why must a bag always bear a feminine association? Why not imbue it with a sense of inclusivity—embracing them/they/their/Mx. or whatever pronoun one prefers? Not in an overt manner, but as a subtle nod to the fact that Mx. is indeed at the grand banquet of life.

At grantsBags, we champion those who toil diligently, confront challenges with grace, and maintain their poise and dignity. The leather, zippers, and oversized clips lend an air of street-smart sophistication, tailored for those who defy the conventional norms and claim their place at the grand table of society. That, dear reader, is why I embarked on this venture—to provide a tool for making a statement, ensuring that equity and respect take their rightful place in the grand tapestry of life.